
Friday, March 25, 2011

The Wipeouts
One of the toughest aspects of aging is losing friends.  They seem to go before their time.  Their passing hits us hard and reminds us of our own mortality.  These are the boys in the band who made our hearts skip a beat 40+ years ago.  We lost another this month.  All of us have these stories...and the memories.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Do the math!!!

Don't you love it when the Docs say, "Eat this, do this, don't do this and you will add years to your life."  Then follow my mathematical reasoning.  Years of teaching algebra and a trusty calculator have led me to the following conclusion:  If eating nuts and things can actually take years off my life, I resolve to do exactly as has been prescribed to take 13.6 years off my life.  But do those years come off next year if I quit and go back to my old ways.  The way I calculate it:  add 1 for the year I age; subtract 13.6 for following the rules.  The result after three years is I am 24.15 years of age, and I start making babies all over again.  Never mind.  I'll stick it out at 60.75.  But it is an interesting concept.

Six things to eat that can return you to youth!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Brain Exercise----More evidence of benefits

While exercising your brain does not change your genetic predisposition for dementia, the challenges can offer a longer, stronger thinking brain.  Which of us can envision an old age in an empty shell?  The following article is evidence that demands action.  The results will be available in about twenty years.
Challenge your brain