
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Memories...pressed against the pages of my mind

Our generation, that's the Baby Boomer generation, is coming of age again.  They wrote about us in the 60's...and, yes, we created a revolution.  In the 70's-80's, we were responsible for a boom in housing, as we came of age again and began raising families.  So, it is nothing new that we will usher in another age, but we are reluctant this time.  Memories are precious.  They connect me with my youth, my past, my hometown, my departed grandparents, my old friends.  I do not want to be a shell of a person. 

At our age, we have each had some experience with memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer's...a grandparent, parent, maybe a classmate.  All too close for comfort.  Is it inevitable for me?

No!  But know the signs, the signals, the measures to employ now to continue productivity as long as the body is warm.

Read what the experts are saying:
Must I accept that memory loss is a given?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cognitive Decline Begins When?????????

I guess when you have passed that 60 year-old mile marker, there is a certain smirkiness that rises from your innards when you hear those "young things" at 45 are about to come face-to-face with science that says, "Quit laughing at us.  You are already there!"  I am fairly certain that it was the big 6-0 that ushered in the catty comments about my forgetfulness or tip-of-the-tongue experiences.  And for all of us who have arrived, we can say the same thing we said at the big 5-0... it doesn't feel any different.
So look at the results of the British Medical Journal, as reported on ABC.  We need to be aware that while dementia cannot be cured, it can be kicked on down the road if not completely avoided...if we do the right things for our body and our brains.
Mental Decline Begins Earlier Than Believed