
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Is there a 2nd Act in your future?

As I press on with the development of brain training activities, products and seminars for those at midlife and beyond, I am always interested in stories of boomers and seniors who have entered a new profession, made a discovery of new talent or started a new business.  At 50, my sister became a flight attendant.  My friend, Chuck,  has applied for another patent.  He has several already, but at 70 years of age, he shows no signs of shutting down.
While we know little of what the future holds, we have learned a great deal about the past.  And we have grown wiser for that.  Why not use the wisdom we have attained to brighten everyday and to give ourselves purpose.
I am attaching a link that connects to an online magazine I have so enjoyed.  Click on it and get inspired!

2nd Act

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